Greed results: Is there a way to see the ‘real’ rankings where both ogre and human code present?
That’s the list of final ranking. I believe code will require people to submit theirs.
I think(?) he wants the results that weren’t de-duped.
Yes, I want to see the table with each player present in two columns, not only in the column where he had the best result.
Only @schmatz’s Redis machine knows this, if it survives.
I kept this data, I’ll prepare it as several people have asked for it.
Here is the data on wins and losses. It’s pretty messy, isn’t de-duped, and doesn’t have players who were disqualified removed.
Thanks. I wonder what would be the results if the chess system is used - 2 points for a victory, 1 for a tie and 0 for a defeat…
It doesn’t change anything, as that’s how its ranked.
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