How do you deal with kithyard brawl?

1st, you since there are many and many waves of attacks, you dont want to use something like the ruinsword. it takes a lot of time to clear 1 foe. 2nd, you want to use a weapon that is able to clear a lot of enemies in a quick time.(such as mornings
edge, emperors gloves, and long sword, emperors gloves do chainlighting. longsword has cleave, and mornings edge has flash, (flash does about 30 damage, enough to kill an munchkin, and stuns them for 3.75 seconds, I use the sword). but, the long sword takes time to get ready for another attack( not cleave)

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Generally something with AoE(Like Morning’s Edge/Long Sword) + Invis Ring + Deflector should get you pretty far. Just keep shielding when you can’t go invisible or use AoE attack. If you are a subscriber, then you can use heroes like Okar.

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well, I’m not a subscriber. but, i feel like if you found some way to pull all the units towards you, you could just cleave, or flash, this way you will be able to clear off a number of units in a fast time

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Till some limit. Once you will get more damage from projectiles while cleaving, than you do)

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yeah, thats true, @Deadpool198 could you please remove some of the throwers? those are so annoying the throwers.

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Armando Hoyos(Free hero) can pull units toward him.