Is there a tab for the default hero functions and abilities like Math or Vector?

When you click on a tab for the Math, Array, Object, String, Function, Vector it then hides the default “Hero” functions. Is there a way to display these again after tabbing through the different libraries?

And if not can we have that functionality added?


Nice find, this looks like a bug to me.

Can you check whether this issue has already been reported in CoCo’s issue tracker, and report it if not?

@UltCombo I could not find it, so I will add a new issue

I used the follow search criteria for gethub:

tab is:issue is:open

function is:issue is:open

hero is:issue is:open

Just a question, is CoCo short for Code Combat?

Added and linked.

Yep, you got it right! :smiley:

Nice work, excellent issue report. :smile: