Level editor issue: thang not appearing

Hi all,

Having an issue (possible user error) with the level editor. When I go to place a “Desert Skullcave” or “Desert Skull Cave” Thang, it doesn’t shop up. I tested other thangs (Barrel, Witch Doctor, Desert Wall 3, Desert Well) and they all work fine. While the Skull Caves aren’t showing up on the map, they are being added to the list of “Current Thangs” on the left hand side of the editor. As a result, I now have 12 skullcaves that I can’t see as a result of trying to get this to work. Let me know what I’m doing wrong!


I think they haven’t been fully imported yet (a lot of the desert art is new), so that’s why they aren’t showing up. You can delete them from the left-hand sidebar and use other Thangs for decoration for right now.