Lost Viking Lost Viking Javascript help?

I have no idea how to even start the level. I read the hints and everything and I’m still lost I don’t even know where to start. If someone could help me get through it or guide me, thanks.

Use Search here is a lot
themes about Lost Viking

copy paste of myself

switch - manage hero.pos.y

until switch, then
until switch, then
until switch, then

skip - manage hero.pos.y, relative current switch


slide - manage hero.pos.y, limiter

sideSteps > slide
reset sideSteps to the 1
sideSteps < 1
reset sideSteps to the slide

We need

  1. mechanism to Switch between sideStep++ and sideStep–
  2. mechanism to execute Skip regarding current Switch
  3. limiter for max and min sideStep

While copying code of others is frowned upon, i don’t suppose it’s against the rules. My recommendation would be to continue on with levels, come back to it once you have a better grasp of coding. It’s not a required level to complete to move on

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My advice for this is to understand the modules operator “%” and to keep checking what step your on so you know when to side step or skip. A tip for you is that I ran into the problem where when I was skipping I ended up going right off the map. Make sure you know where you will be ahead of time before you move.