My Blog about Nitro Type

This is my blog i made for nitro type

You already showed us that blog. There is hardly anything on your blog so I don’t think you should make an entire topic on it. @Chaboi_3000?


We’ve made topics over much less.

Ok and? He also posted this in nitro type topic.

Screenshot 2022-08-13 4.46.45 PM
this is my user friend me if you want to

Screenshot 2022-08-13 4.50.00 PM
and this is what my car look like

please don’t revive dead topics


wsp im new what is this even about?

Anyone Got Any Hacks?

Hello, and welcome to the codecombat discourse @Xavier_Smith !!!
Please review this post: Welcome to CodeCombat Discourse Forums!

Basically as CodingCrucader puts it: “A bunch of teens and pre-teens doing stupid stuff.” that is vagly related to Code Combat.

Also, @Xavier_Smith, did you read the post before yours? And yes, welcome to the CodeCombat Discourse! This is a cozy place where you can ask for help, get hints, and maybe just have fun! Before you proceed, please (re)review this topic.

well really its more like half the time we do stupid stuff and the other half of the time we have deep theological debates

It’s more like 60% doing stupid stuff 30% having deep theological debates/arguments and 10% talking about Code Combat.