Need help at Freeze Tag

Let’s make a game of Freeze Tag!

game.tagged is used to count tagged archers.

game.tagged = 0
ui.track(game, “tagged”)
goal = game.addManualGoal(“Tag all archers.”)

Spawn the archers.

game.spawnXY(“archer”, 12, 52)
game.spawnXY(“archer”, 12, 16)
game.spawnXY(“archer”, 24, 52)
game.spawnXY(“archer”, 24, 16)

player = game.spawnPlayerXY(‘captain’, 68, 24)
player.maxSpeed = 20

Make the player bigger so it’s easier to tag archers.

player.scale = 2

Set up the archers’ speed and behavior properties onSpawn

def onSpawn(event):
unit =
unit.behavior = “Scampers”
unit.maxSpeed = 8

game.setActionFor(“archer”, “spawn”, onSpawn)

The event handler for “collide” events.

def onCollide(event):
# The event owner who has collided with something.
unit =
# The object the unit collided with.
other = event.other
# Use behavior as a marker for the current frozen state.
# “Scampers” means the archer wasn’t yet tagged.
if unit.behavior == “Scampers”:
# If “other” is the player.
if other.type == “player”:
# Set unit.behavior to “Defends”:
# Increase game.tagged by 1:
if unit.behavior == “Defends”:
# If other’s type is “archer”:
if other.type == “archer”:
# Set unit.behavior to “Scampers”:
unit.behavior = “Scampers”
# Reduce game.tagged by 1.
game.tagged -= 1

Use setActionFor to assign onCollide to the “collide” event for "archer"s.

game.setActionFor(“archers”, “collide”, onCollide)

while True:
if game.tagged >= 4:
game.setGoalState(goal, True)

This is my code. I don’t know what is my mistake.

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And can you send a link to the level

Hello and welcome to codecombat discourse! This is a cozy forum where you can share ideas, share fan art, get assistance for code, etc! Before you proceed, we hope that you review this topic, which shows all essentials of this board! Thanks!

oops my bad @milton.jinich

okay were is this level @NG_JIE_XI_Moe

Welcome to the forum!
Please format your code correctly as said in this

milton.jinich, you can just see where the level is by typing in the level name is(if it has multiple words, type a hyphen between it))
In this case,

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