I’m having trouble with freeze tag. Here’s my code:
game.tagged = 0
ui.track(game, "tagged")
goal = game.addManualGoal("Tag all archers.")
# Spawn the archers.
game.spawnXY("archer", 12, 52)
game.spawnXY("archer", 12, 16)
game.spawnXY("archer", 24, 52)
game.spawnXY("archer", 24, 16)
player = game.spawnPlayerXY('captain', 68, 24)
player.maxSpeed = 30
# Make the player bigger so it's easier to tag archers.
player.scale = 2
# Set up the archers' speed and behavior properties onSpawn
def onSpawn(event):
unit = event.target
unit.behavior = "Scampers"
unit.maxSpeed = 8
game.setActionFor("archer", "spawn", onSpawn)
# The event handler for "collide" events.
def onCollide(event):
# The event owner who has collided with something.
unit = event.target
# The object the unit collided with.
other = event.other
# Use behavior as a marker for the current frozen state.
# "Scampers" means the archer wasn't yet tagged.
if unit.behavior == "Scampers":
# If "other" is the player.
if other.type == "player":
# Set unit.behavior to "Defends":
unit.behavior = "Defends"
# Increase game.tagged by 1:
game.tagged += 1
if unit.behavior == "Defends":
# If other's type is "archer":
if other.type == "archer":
# Set unit.behavior to "Scampers":
unit.behavior = "Scampers"
# Reduce game.tagged by 1.
game.tagged -= 1
# Use setActionFor to assign onCollide to the "collide" event for "archer"s.
game.setActionFor("archer", "collide", onCollide)
while True:
if game.tagged >= 4:
game.setGoalState(goal, True)
I’m using setActionFor at the end so it should be fine. Can someone please help me? Thanks.
Ok so I tested it.
Now I haven’t done a lot of web development so forgive me if I am wrong.
It looks like your hero is the one who is not moving. I may be wrong, but you don’t have any lines of code that tell your hero to move. That I think is what is wrong…
My hero is moving. You have to click “play.” She’s going to move where you click your mouse. When the hero collides, the archers have to “defend,” but they aren’t.
You are welcome!
Hey there should be a little button where the options to like a post, share, and edit are. Could you press it on my post that helped you fix your code? It shows moderators who I helped and who I haven’t. Good job again!!