Need help (Range Finder)

Level 8,Wood Forest
Incorrect code:

enemy4 = Gorgnub
distance4 = hero.distanceTo(enemy4)

Thanks for reading!!

You can’t copy and paste your code?

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It seems to me that your code is correct. You can’t pass the level?

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…,it can’t attack enemy 4

enemy4 = Gorgnub
distance4 = hero.distanceTo(enemy4)


Use parentheses around Gorgnub.

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It should work after that.

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wrong,it gives error

Gorgnub should be a string of characters. A string of characters is defined by quotes ( " ").

As your code is written, I dont think the game can figure out who Gorgnub is, try to make sure it understands that Gorgnub is a string !

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That’s what I said isn’t it?

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Try this. Gorbnub is a name, so therefore it is a string.

enemy4 = "Gorgnub"
distance4 = hero.distanceTo(enemy4)
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oops.i typed it the game level i also typed it but it is still wrong.

What? What are you saying?

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Parentheses are ( )

Quotes are " "

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still wrong
still wrong

can you give your full code?

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put your preformatted text so, we can read your code better.
you can do that by using </> at the top of your text like this:

while True:
    horse = hero.findFriends()
    if horse:
        friend = hero.findNearestFriend()
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Right. Sorry about that.

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while True:
    horse = hero.findFriends()
    if horse:
        friend = hero.findNearestFriend()


He’s just showing you how to format it, that’s not the code you need. What is your current code?