CodeCombat Worlds Beta Testing
What is it?
CodeCombat just arrived at Roblox! CodeCombat Worlds is a new immersive experience on Roblox, taking CodeCombat to the next level: in 3D! Program your pet and explore the learning levels. You’ll be even able to interact with your friends and code your own world through our Creative mode feature! Through all of this, you’ll be able to learn real programming through Lua!
Help us playtest the beta version of the game and give us feedback! In order to be able to join the CodeCombat Worlds experience, you’ll need to follow these steps:
- If you don’t yet have a Roblox account. Please create a new one! Make sure to install Roblox Player in addition.
- Our main form of communication(and feedback collection) will be through our Discord server. Please join here
- Please also join our Roblox playtesting group on this page
- After you joined the group, you can access the experience here. Press the button to join!
5) Once you’ve joined, you’ll be able to move around your hero(Using WASD controls) Move forward until you meet a wizard that will let you select a companion of your choice! The adventure begins!
You’ll likely run through some bugs/issues during your gameplay or even have suggestions on how the game works. Please share them! Your feedback is truly valuable to improving the game. Thank you!