I’ve noticed lately that I cannot use the “move” method reliably on Cloudrip Mountain.
I thought I was going crazy, but was able to work around it for a while by using moveXY instead.
But this level makes that workaround untenable, so I need to understand what is going wrong here.
Code snippet:
hero.move({x: 40, y: 7});
For multiple heroes with multiple pairs of boots the hero moves to 21,5 just fine. Then they turn around and move a few pixels, and that’s it. The code moves on to the next steps (not included), as if the action were complete.
I’ve tried slightly different syntax: for the object literal:
{“x”: 40, “y”: 7}
{‘x’: 40, ‘y’: 7}
and so forth.
Even this:
var location = {x: 40, y: 7};
Would someone please point out the blindingly-obvious mistake I must be making here? This cannot be a bug that passed QA, surely. So it must be me, and I’m starting to get distressed.
Update: This problem is officially ruining other levels for me, (and blocking access to still others) even where the code for movement is provided and I am getting seriously frustrated.
Is this a bug, and not my incorrect coding? If so, with whom might I communicate about the problem of such an intrusive bug not being caught in QA?