This is my code
SLIDE = 10
SKIP = 11
# How many sideSteps north of the Red X you've taken.
sideSteps = 1
# How many steps east of the Red X you've taken.
steps = 1
# Multiply this with steps to determine your X coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!
# Multiply this with sideSteps to determine your Y coordinate. DON'T CHANGE THIS!
# The maze is 35 steps along the X axis.
while steps <= 35:
# Take the next step:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
if steps % SWITCH:
hero.moveXY(sideSteps * X_PACE_LENGTH, steps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
if sideSteps % SWITCH:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
if steps % SKIP:
hero.moveXY(sideSteps * X_PACE_LENGTH, steps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
hero.moveXY(sideSteps * X_PACE_LENGTH, steps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
if sideSteps % SKIP:
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
hero.moveXY(steps * X_PACE_LENGTH, sideSteps * Y_PACE_LENGTH)
# Increment steps and sideSteps as appropriate, taking into account the special rules.
steps += 2
sideSteps += 2
It worked well until the first turn, then my hero got blown up. Please HELP!!!