Surveys! Which is better?

I am pretty sure phoenixs cant die

where do centaurs store their babies before they are born? their human part or their horse part?

i think horse part(or maybe their like kangaroos)

click the link to see a centaur

oh ok i shallclick(20 chars)

cool centaur @Monsty

its not mine its google’s

so u should say cool centaur google

Oh ok cool centaur @google

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how do you scream?

  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA

  • High pitched eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE


0 voters

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Funny survey HAHAH(IM screaming and never relise)

Which is your favorite sword?

  • Runesword
  • Sword of the Forgotten
  • Sword of the Temple Guard
  • Morning’s edge
  • Hero’s Sword

0 voters

I will always choose runesword cuz i love it

228 damage strongest sword in game or maybe the lvl 66 one is

mornings edge is an level 66 sword, but only have 80 dps but has invis and flash ability

so basically what you’re saying is that the runesword is stronger and mornings edge is weaker but has more abilities

  • Old Town Road
  • Thunder
  • Other Songs

0 voters

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I got a friend singing thunder

Runesword has highest dmg but is the slowest sword in game

Mornings edge is the fastest sword in game and has 2 abilities

Sword of the temple guard is extremely fast and is tactical

Sword of the forgotten has the highest dps

the level 66 pets has white stuuff around them ----- devs didn’t finish the layout of em