Here’s a topic for BTD Battles 2!
I don’t know if anybody else plays, but I bet at least some people have heard of it or tried it at one point.
ive played it a bit but more just btd 6
How much is a bit? Like just tried it out a few times?
yea i got it on my phone played it for like 30 minutes
i might play it again just to play with you or any other discourse members. is their a clans system in it?
There is. (20 chars wish they would fix the gear issue)
mabye we could make a discource clan if anyone else plays it
It does cost a decent chunk of the in-game cash though; and I’m too poor currently to afford it
how much. also idk why they do that in games i wish you got to make one for free after a certain amount of playing to prevent spaming but still let people make one
It’s 5k in “monkey money.” You can get a max of 100 from winning a game and you get a couple hundred for free each day so it’s kinda like getting it for free after a certain amount of time. The cash is used for a lot of other important things though.
You can also buy it for about 1 dollar per 500 money depending on how much you get ofc
yea monkey money is such a scarce resource even in btd6 and that game cost money. seriously why do paid games have micro transactions. at leat btd battles 2 is free.
Hmmm I could try joining clans with no members besides the leader and convince them to abdicate
honestly it would be fun to find different team based games and make a code combat team or clan. we could do pixel gun 3d too.
combine that image with minecraft
thankfully the pixel gun 3d doesn’t have voice chat because it mostly children who play it and children + voice chat = horrors beyond your wildest dreams
Yo I play this game!!!
How much does it cost I have like 13k monkey money.
Nice! It’s 5k so a hefty amount