The Bloons TD Battles 2 Topic

should i worry about hot keys? or not right now

No not really. Though I would recommend binding your tower placement and upgrade keys to be on one side of the keyboard depending on what hand you use. This’ll make it more convenient to upgrade and place towers because all of those keys are on the same side.

If you use your left hand to use your keyboard you should rebind your upgrade keys to be this:
Top path: z
Mid path: X
Bottom path: c

Otherwise if you use your right hand rebind your tower placement keys to be this:
Hero: u
1st tower: i
2nd tower: o
3rd tower p

Personally, I like to keep my hand on one side because it just more comfortable and I can easily move between upgrading and tower placement, but if it’s not comfortable for you then just keep the default binds.

i was mainly asking is it important to use them or can i just use the mouse

Yeah hotkeys are pretty important. A fast reaction time is pretty critical and it’s faster to place and upgrade towers with hotkeys.

Edit: it also makes it easier to send bloons/eco

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awwwwwww dang it i didn’t read for some reason and accedantaly bought the monkey village instead of the banana farm

That’s fine, what you can do is that since you bought village on the map called star you can run tack glue village as a strategy.


what is the differane beween differany hero alts

There’s a pretty big difference; mostly in their abilities
for example quincy level 3 triples his attack speed for a short period of time
cyber quincy level 3 triples his pierce (it’s trash)
normal obyn only buffs magic monkeys slightly but druids a lot
ocean obyn buffs all magic monkeys a lot
normal jericho steals cash over a period of time
highwayman jericho will steal a bunch and sell one of your towers if you don’t have enough
star captain jericho will create balloons that when popped steal your cash.

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what does XP do ???

clears throat
Long ago when the game’s hype was still high, xp was used to get tower upgrades. However, the system was so bad that they needed to revamp it like 16 times. After many updates, they finally changed it so that you used monkey money to get upgrades. However, the xp requirement on masteries was still there. So xp has been reduced to measly cosmetic points.


how do you get the little star thingys for heros besides chests . also what is their perpose if you already have the charecter just cosmetic still?

do you mean hero exp or tower exp?

well now hero exp cuz piano told me about tower exp

You play the hero


When you need to get a tier 5 for the bling season but everybody loses immediately because it’s speed battles:
Screenshot from 2024-05-02 17-29-17


Though tbf trying to last long enough to get a t5 isn’t really a good idea because most players aren’t good enough to play speed battles.

yeah after a few games I skipped that particular one
actually got the win 5 games one though

anyone want to play with me?

Sure in 30 minutes

i may be able to play but may not my parents want to go to a park not sure when it will be so if i don’t respond thats why. but ill be back form the park within an hour or so