The role of ES6 as a language in Codecombat

I use codecombat to refresh my skills at programming and come at programming from a different perspective. I’ve been programming for the web so long that it’s refreshing to do codecombat’s PC scripting and makes me think about the languages in a different way.

However, coming to the javascript language now after working with ES6 so much recently, I find being limited to the ES5 syntax jarring and a little at odds with my experience as a modern web developer. I went to put in my standard const and arrow functions and instantly found it wasn’t available!

Now, the syntax is one thing, but when it comes to looping, I tend to almost always want list comprehension with In general if feel like es6 would be beneficial to most learners and probably quite compatible with all the existing es5 code and principles. Any thoughts on allowing ES6?


You get at:

  • Level 21 - Summit’s Gate
  • Programmaticon 5 book - Skills: Full - Vector, Math, String, Function, Array, and Object APIs
    But you don’t have to own the book to use the functions:

    Some of the documentation needs updating / in this case replacing hero with this / and I didn’t try if everything works.
    From the topic Use of Programmaticon V's array methods :
    Nick: “we don’t document it, but Lodash functions are also available as well”
    I tried some of them successfully an some not.

Sorry for telling you things you perfectly know : you are one of the fist CodeCombat warriors. Respect! :slight_smile: -)

Fully agree. I find that ES6 works fine. I used both arrow functions and multiline strings, but code combat prompted me to “Fix my code” due to the ` used for the multi line strings.