I the Thumb-Biter level you need to taunt the ogre. In the last statement you are supposed to say something which would provoke the ogre to attack you, I tried many different combinations of taunt words and swear words but nothing seems to work.
As there are no real hints given I am stuck and its quiet frustrating as apperently a specific string is required. I don’t assume that code combat uses sophisticated natural language process to identify what could be interpreted as insult, and I think a better hint of what the string has to contain to make the ogre move would be a less frustrating version of this level.
I tried the following:
self.say(“Attack me!”)
self.say(“I wear the skin of your mom as my armor!”)
I think the idea is to play around with (all) the if statements to get used to the idea of a condition being true or false; so if 2 == 20: could be changed to if 20 == 20: