Topic for Music 🎼

codecombat got blocked so personal computer


well, ig i’ll cya in 3 months

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you only have acces to your home computer every months?

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no, I just forgot about my existence here lol

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oh so its just not a big part of your lif anymore so you will only check in every so often.
p.s you mist several wars


yeah, and dang it i shoulda been there and i’m growing up I have more responsibilities and I just don’t have time for anything anymore

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Yea growing up is both fun and horrible at the same time

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a.lee i forgot to cause you pain and suffering sorry

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We were doing so well without you


honestly i think you might like it its with a orchestra


did you lisen to it?

Not yet

lisen to it before you judge

AWWW YEAHHHH thats what im talking about WOOOO

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silly…you need to understand the dedication it takes to compose video game music,…like mother 3…

Yea it takes more work cuz you’ve gotta make sure it sounds good with what is going on

especially when it came to games composed on the NES and some old handhelds, they only had access to about 3-4 sounds for their music, and yet pull up the most greatest pieces in my opinion:

(as you can tell i really like chiptune composing)

Yea plus they only had like 8 bytes of data on the nes so it had to be really small. Snes is when I feel like there were alot more games that still hold up today