Trouble with Dev Environment

I am stuck on the first step of This guide, when I try to install the Xcode dev tools it says:

what is my problem

I went through the guide and it worked. If you are having trouble downloading it, you can just go to the app store and download it there. Honestly, I don’t think you need Xcode.

When I try downloading it from the app store, it says the app could not download

Maybe you need to update your mac?

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(Warning downloading Xcode takes around an hour)

I do not know let me check

yes, I have to update my computer, I will do it later but keep this topic open in case I have more problems

ok (20 chaaaaaaaars)

I updated it, it still gave me the same problem

Have you tried downloading from here?

ok, let me try that later

No. Is there any other way I could get it, That needs two factor login

I got it from the app store @Chaboi_3000, but it is still loading. Could you keep this topic open in case I have other problems

does this look right @Chaboi_3000

You just have to run the ones in the guide.

I tried doing that part, but is the code right so far?