The "Simplified" Guide to Setting Up Dev Environment. (Mac)

Difficulty: :star: :star: :star: :star: (Intermediate-Advanced)


Ever wanted to “hack” CodeCombat and help contribute in making CodeCombat better? (There are two types of hacking, white-hat hacking, and black-hat hacking. White hat hacking is to help fix problems and stop black-hat hackers, and black-hat hacking is malicious hacking/cheating.) Do you find the current guide way too confusing? I’ve simplified the current guide so you can understand it. Use Node version 10.


  1. Download the Xcode command line tools by either:
    Going to Xcode->Preferences->Downloads
    Run xcode-select --install in the terminal app.

  2. Download NVM. Before you do that, go open up Terminal. You can spotlight search Terminal and click enter. (Spotlight search is the :mag: icon at the top).
    Once you go into the terminal app, type in the following to install NVM:
    curl -o- | bash
    wget -qO- | bash
    then run:
    export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"

  3. Download Node and NPM using NVM. It’s simple, run the following command in your terminal:
    nvm install 14.x.x

  4. Set your default Node to version 14. You won’t have to manually type nvm use 14.x.x every time. Run the following command:
    nvm alias default 8.15.1

  5. Update NPM.
    Run this:
    npm install -g npm@6.4.1

Not yet. We are around halfway there. :slight_smile:

  1. Create an account on GitHub. (You can skip this step if you already have an account)
  2. Download Git here: Download git-2.21.0-intel-universal-mavericks.dmg (git-osx-installer (abandoned))
  3. After downloading Git, set your username:
    git config --global "username"
    then confirm it by:
    git config --global
  4. Configure your email address:
    git config --global ""
    Confirm your email:
    git config --global
  5. Clone CodeCombat:
    git clone
  6. After cloning, (It takes a while), type in:
    cd codecombat
    npm install
    Note: npm install might take a few minutes so be patient.
  7. Run npm run build
  8. To run your server, type:
    cd codecombat
    npm run proxy
    (Optional) Create a new terminal window(Don’t close current one) and type in
    cd codecombat
    npm run webpack -- --watch

Ok fine… Just go to localhost:3000 and see your very own environment in action!
It should look like this:

Those who want to start hacking codecombat, follow this guide:


Please ask for help here:

There were a few missing steps and easier steps.

  1. Added a new way to download Xcode command line tools(Running xcode-select --install in terminal)
  2. Enhanced step 2.

The new setup requires Node v10 and npm run build. The guide is updated.