Warlock's face... (15 chars)

who would win chaboii with 5 level 66 items vs peterPalov + 10 warkocks(800%)

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obviously peter xD (no offense to chaboi)

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Nah, Chaboi with his level 66 items is unbeatable. :slightly_smiling_face:
Although we’re getting a bit off topic.

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200% means damage is 8x and healthx4

200% = x2 multiplier, not x8 or x4 :slight_smile:

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What are ya’ll talking about? :neutral_face:

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me less 20 chars

It’s meant to be off-topic :smiley:

off topic means not talking about codecombat things but you still have to stay on topic if you want you create a new topic to talk about this but make there arent any clones

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i think the warlock is a little girl in a costume


Welcome to the forum! :smiley:
We hope you have a lovely, enjoyable, and fun time here on the CodeCombat Discourse.
This forum is a homely place, where you can share ideas, share made levels, report bugs, get help on code, and so much more!
We hope you review this topic for all the rules of the forum!
Thanks and enjoy your time here!!!
Peter will be very sad. :joy_cat:

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Welcome JackyBoi121212!

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Its um actually the first time jackyboi121212 has been here.

Yes, and there’s nothing weird with his message :slight_smile:

I know I just like random numbers

“Welcome jackyboi” looks a lot like “Welcome back” but Mario said “Welcome…”

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Warlock isn’t a girl lol


He edited it but lets get back to the topic.


this is an idea I made just for u PeterPalov

unholy tome VI ads the abbility to summon warlocks

there would need to be a elemental 6 and a grass tome 6 sooooo

grass tome 6 grass tornado like ritics shadow vortex but can be burnt with fire deals 10 dps

elemental 6 lightning it crashes lightning on all of the enemies on the map and deals 350 damage to them

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Nice, but too overpowered.
A person who will summon me will be lucky. 100% +10 in all replayable levels. Watrlocks are too strong to summon.