Wow, that code is implementing a pretty advanced strategy! One thing I noticed was that the shield may not be doing what you want it to do. It only absorbs damage while you are shielding, so unless you want to shield before every bash or cleave because you think you might want to block extra damage at that exact moment for a split second, it’s only going to slow you down.
We’ll be adding ways to earn more gems with more levels, and we just came up with a great idea for repeatable levels, but it’ll take us a while to implement those, so they won’t be available for a while (the next two weeks’ levels are in the desert).
This morning he is switching to a Hammer and place Trap Strategy to see if he can get through it.
Does “shield” still reduce damage while you are moving towards an enemy or item? Apparently his thought was to reduce damage while he tried to close the distance to get off a hit.
Repeatable levels and challenges would be wonderful. At the moment he is getting convinced he can only beat it if he gets a wizard and fully equips it.
@mikelburk I had code that was able to win with 110 HP, the hammer, and Amara (she is a bit faster than the warriors) I’m sure with the warriors and a bit more health you could do it as well.
Okay both my son and I were able to do it (though we each took slightly different paths).
We both ended up switching to Trap based solutions. He went with straight forward bomb placing and handling ogres along the way. I went with queuing up a list of trap locations.
I figured I should at least post here with advice for other players who may find the thread later based on our experiences:
Building a trap and getting out of the way seems to let you deal the most damage without taking injury if you don’t have extra gems. Along that line: Don’t try to place a trap if an enemy is real close. We both ended up with checks on distanceTo the nearestEnemy before building a trap.
Play the level - knowing where the bad guys are coming from helps a lot.
Two bombs can help clear groups where they all move at different speeds (munchkins with ogres)
The Spiked Shield gives you a ton of health and a good bash attack to use with your hammer. Also seems like the best shield. If you have been saving gems - seems worth it.
pickUpFlag calls end if you place a new flag - make sure your guy isn’t then trying to build or attack something far away. Being able to respond to battle conditions is really important.
Still unsure if “shield” protects you while moving or not.
Not sure if the community is big on sharing code after the fact or not. Happy to help someone if they get stuck.
Nice solutions! Like it or not, everyone is sharing code, but it’d be nice especially for challenge levels like this not to give away the answer. Shield makes you stop moving and shield, but only for a split second, so it doesn’t grant protection moving forward. We are soon to hook up more shield animations for the other heroes besides Tharin so you can see when you’re doing it.
I finally passed the siege of stonehold after trying some of your guys’ sode and adding some of my own. I just built a lot of fire-traps to block off the entrances to the screen.
Having a lot of difficulty beating this level as the samurai with 183 health (not enough gems to buy better gear). Making it about 2/3 of the way before dying.
Tried using flags but the game runs smoother without flags.
Haven’t tried using the hammer yet.
Edit: Was able to beat it (using sword and no flags) with some minor modifications to my code!
Just a thought, I beat the level in just 5 tries so I’m trying to understand the guidelines for this level:
I did the following:
flag = this.findFlag("green");
if (flag){
position = flag.pos;
x = position.x;
y = position.y;
Then I just ran. Beat the level with 111/145 health. Had them run into the traps (place at forest openings) and my troops killed most of them after the archers and the melee combined forces (they always chase after the nearest enemy so you can “guide” them to form a single unit xD It took 1:35.2. So far I have not spent any on new equipment. I got all the equipment from quest rewards.
So, I guess my question is what is the coding aim for this and how much of it is expected progmatically vs flag manual?
I didn’t design the level, but I assume the only expectation was for it to be challenging.
There aren’t as many restrictions placed on what you can do or what you’re expected to do which gives you a lot of freedom and allows you to be creative. How you play the level is left up to the player.
I’m trying the fire-trap method. Anyone else been looking into how to build fire-traps further away from oneself? Nick said you can build them out by a bit, but I used a modifier to control it a bit more. Any other ideas?
You move into build range and then build; it’s only a few meters. You can’t build any further by adding to the x- or y-values that you’re building at. Otherwise your solution would be great!
I used fire-traps, with flags to control where I put them. It was (very) chaotic, but by putting traps on all the entrances (and making sure you don’t blow yourself up), it’s quite easy to eliminate Thotkar’s Army.
HELP! I can’t move, I have tried different browsers, placing flags to go to, moveXY, etc. but nothing works!!! Am on the verge of ragequitting because I am out of gems and can neither move or attack so when the troops die I just get pummeled.