What are you supposed to do in the siege of stonehold?

no, you get him from minesweeper, which is in the desert

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I just realized that if you are a subscriber, you could easily win with hushbaum and unholy tome V (if you have enough gems to afford both). Just do this:

    if self.canCast("summon-undead"):
    if self.canCast("raise-dead"):
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The heroes were assigned new unlock-levels, and Omarn got moved to the desert.

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Hi! Iā€™m new to CodeCombat, and I play with very basic hero and gear.
Max health is about 700-800.
And I think there is a bug in this level.
Enemy hero able to cast raise-dead, and he cast it over field. Every dead corpse raise.
So it is impossible for me to complete this level at its current state.

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the new version of the level is the villain able to raise dead soldiers to fight for him i think that this is a bug? pls help I tried evrything but nothing works!!!

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i also have 1100 lifes so health s not a issue

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+1 how the #%^ are we supposed to win against an army which is revived every X seconds? He even revives allies who then become enemies. Ridiculous %) It's moderately easy not to die in this mission but you cannot kill the boss without a ranged weapon (real required) and this means he will indefinitely revive enemies.

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See this thread: Siege of Stonehold - enemies are revived - bug?

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This is my code

    flag = self.findFlag()
    enemy = self.findEnemies()
    if flag:
    elif enemy:
        if self.isReady("cleave"):

i dont know whats wrong and im mad :persevere:

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Hello, Josh, and welcome. Please read the FAQ prior to your next post, in order to learn how to post your code with radiant, harmonious formatting. Iā€™ve done it for you this time, but do so yourself in the future.

Things like ā€œThis code doesnā€™t work!ā€ or ā€œI need help!ā€ do not enlighten us the exact problem you face. Give us more description. What happens when you run your code? Is there an error? If so, what is it? But hereā€™s what I can see:

You define enemy as the list of all enemies. However, you then try to cleave and/or attack. It is not possible to attack a list. Perhaps you meant to define it as the nearest enemy?

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you appear to be missing a:
before your findEnemies, therefore it would look like this:
loop: flag = self.findFlag() enemy = self.findNearest(self.findEnemies()) if flag: self.pickUpFlag(flag) elif enemy: if self.isReady("cleave"): self.cleave(enemy) else: self.attack(enemy)

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This post is two months old. Donā€™t you think that Josh would have continued asking for help if he had not solved this problem? Please keep the dead resting!

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Oops, didnā€™t check the dateā€¦:cold_sweat:(Rest in peace, post!)

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This is niceā€¦ Thanks for the information.

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I have tried everything and my hero still will not move at all. I think there is a bug with the flags because they worked fine on the other levels. Please help!

hey could you please post your code and a screenshot of the problem(or a video if you can make one.) and we will be happy to help

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How you passed this level ? Can you help me ? because I am trying for 4 days but nothing is happening Please Can you show me your code?

Hi @shivani_mahajan welcome to the discourse!:partying_face:This is a family-friendly place where you can talk about code combat, ask questions, or just chat about off-topic things! Before you go any further, please review the guidelines and the FAQ if you havenā€™t already. Please also remember to format your code correctly. As for the level, we canā€™t provide any help until we see your code and gear. Also, showing code or asking for code is not allowed, so please donā€™t ask. It is fine, you are a new user and did not know, just please donā€™t do it in the future.