hello what do you want to be when you grow up?
I don’t know I think a politician because I am a good talker and I am really good at history
that is a good one @milton.jinich
click my profile and that will tell you for me.
I want to be a Wide receiver for the NFL
yeah @098765432123 wants to work for Mojang a guitar company just kidding
Good father, kind grandpa and happy respectful man maybe)
for the Falcons maybe XD
that sounds nice @Alexbrand
I want to be a gazillionaire inventor.
I want to be a NFL player or a NHL player.
hey maybe we both can play for the falcons XD
I want to play for the Seahawks.
I personally don’t want to make a living off of tackling people
Otherwise I would play hockey because it is my favorite sport.
I also want to have all my teeth when my career is over.
why @milton.jinich you really know how to complain
I mean I don’t want to come out of my career saying I broke this tooth, then I broke this bone and etc. I am just saying you should pick a career when you are older and your body can do it.
football is more that just tackling someone
Yes, I agree with that.