There are rules? Yes, there are some rules that users need to follow in order to make this forum a safe and cozy place for other users.
- You may not swear or curse anywhere in the forum, doing so may result in a mute or ban. This rule also applies for PM’s
- Spamming is not allowed since it’s not necessary and will disturb others
- Spamming likes, on the same topic, then warning then ban
- You may not post NSFW content anywhere, and will result in an immediate ban. This applies to profile pictures and user background too.
- You want to avoid necroposting if the topic is solved, or the post isn’t related to the topic. But necroposting is better than multiple topics of the same subject.
- You may not lower someone’s status, it hurts others and will result in a warning or a mute
- You may not post solutions. It is strongly against the rule and might result in a mute or ban.
- Spam posts such as requesting likes is strongly prohibited and will result in a long mute or a suspension.
- Requesting promotion of trust level or title is prohibited. Earn it as it says. Don’t force it. Mutes will be applied if necessary.
- Public humiliation is prohibited and disrespectful, and will result in a 2 week mute