Who plays pokemon go
Well, not a lot at least
I don’t play Pokemon Go(I don’t even know many pokemons, only Pikachu xP).
pokemon go is the one where you look around the room your in and its on your phone right? is so that game traks
Yeah… its that game
I love Pokemon go
Cool! People have can have different opinions.
this is true though cause i have a friend who plays this game and the creators will track your location to get the pokemon to appear
I used to play Pokemon Go, but it’s wasting my data like crazy so I deleted it.
I dont really care about that
Je connais le jeu de nom, mais jamais joué. Pendant un moment, on voyais beaucoup de joueur. Dans des lieux, parfois improbable…
Mais aujourd’hui, je pense que les gens se sont lassés.
C’est pas le genre de jeu que je joue de toute façon. Et l’application en lui même est super invasif.
sorry i don’t understand
Excuse me, i speak french.
I know the name game, but never played. For a while, we saw a lot of players. In places, sometimes unlikely…
But today, I think people got tired.
That’s not the kind of game I play anyway. And the application itself is super invasive.
You can always google it.
yeah but i don’t know what language he is talking in
So use Yandex, it’s better.
I think it’s French.
Yep it’s French
I play a lot, on a bike trail near my house.
So far I’ve got an OP hariyama, a also OP Purified ninetales, and a not so OP infernape.(to name my faves)