YouTube channel

AGAIN FOR THE 3rd TIME, (sorry caps was on)
it. is. a. tutorial.

lol okay I just don’t wanna get suspended for four months again and then forget my password because of it

A couple people here have done tutorials and they aren’t banned.

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Oh okay thanks for that

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I mean… in a way… yeah… but it shows how you got there and it would help them instead of just giving them the code

Yeah, I have done a few tutorials and I’m perfectly fine (at least… I hope so…)


To be honest, our anti-solution rule on the forum is quite severe compared to most other games. If you want to make a walk-through on youtube that is absolutely fine. If people want to find the solution for any other game, they can, so I don’t see why we should change that for codecombat. I don’t imagine you’ll make a walk-through for every single level, so people will have to try at some point.
The only reason we don’t allow it on the forum is because its explicit purpose is mostly to help people with their code, whereas that is not the purpose of youtube. If this was a solutions board, then it would be a solutions board and that would be that, but it’s not, and that’s why we have the solution rule, but it doesn’t apply outside the forum.
P.S. you could also make different youtube videos, like tips for multiplayer arenas or something, because actually all the solutions are available somewhere already (I won’t say where…)


Most of CoCo tasks are quite obviuos. And this is great. You don’t need hints to solve them. But there are some tasks (3 - 5 at each level) which are very confusing. And every time I tried to search here for ideas I’d found exact answer with code. It was ready for copy/paste. So even here it’s not always a problem.
As for youtube account I think it would be more a promo for CoCo, than a leak.

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