78th Panther Corps Clan Cleanup

Hallo, fellow CodeCombatants!

I am the leader (teacher) for the 78th Panther Corps. Allow me to give a hardy cheers to all those that have made our clan the top-ranked for the past week. No one thinks that’s cool more than my students–they truly enjoy that lofty position on the Clan list.

However, and this is the fanciest of buts, I’m afraid that if you are not currently attending the middle school the clan is home to, you will unfortunately be removed from the clan this Friday (410|15). I will be doing this culling of non-students/teachers every Friday until either some form of member approval is implemented and/or the clan can be “locked” while still being viewed on the public list (it’s still a motivator for the students to see their school in the listing, even if not #1).

For those students/teachers who may have joined the clan but are not in Computer Applications, please come to Room A104 to discuss your account so I can mark down that information to not remove you from the clan.

I thank you for your understanding–this isn’t personal; I’m merely trying to keep my classes organized for ease of progress tracking for the students.

Many apologies for any inconvenience this might cause.
Mr. Tolleson

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