[AILeague] Beta Test "System Shock" Arena

Hello Everyone! The Regular season arena for season 12 of AILeague, “System Shock”, is now open for beta testing!

Like previous similar beta tests goes, everything ( features, API, balance) might be changed, bugs might be here and there, ladder might be reset (save your code locally if you want to), and code might not work suddenly.

Feel free to post suggestions here, and the bugs you found along the way


The arena is still forbidden


Should be accessible now in the direct version of CodeCombat ( will have to wait a bit for it to hit the main domain ) , apologies for that!

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[Console]Failure loading StripeCheckout API, returning empty object.


Ya, I get the same thing. I doesn’t look like anyone can get into it rn.


Hey, guys.

Made a chat for System Shock.
Have fun!


Should be fixed, somehow the flag for publish wasn’t set to true after publishing, let me know if it’s still happening, thanks for the report!


i still cant join. it says error loading from server try refreshing the page
it doesnt work on direct or normal codecombat



  • hero.findEnemyUnits() always returns an empty list
  • cannot access properties of items returned by hero.findItems()
  • when Blue, sending collectors by x,y is not mirrored
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-hero.findEnemyUnits() return value should be fixed
-item. value, x, y,and type should be accessible now
-Coordinate should be mirrored when sending collectors now
Thanks for the report! If they still remain or you see any other issues, feel free to report them here


I still can’t use enemy.x and enemy.y. It never seems to work when I use hero.findEnemyUnits. It works just fine though with my units.


Seems like there was still an issue,
should be fixed,
Sorry for that! Feel free to report back if they still aren’t working


There is an issue with the heal and fireballs. I am very accurate with them, and then when I spectate, some matches, I have seen it just fly of the bottom of the screen. I have seen this happen to others like KK when I spectate too.

I would also like to note that when I go to battle this person, I don’t even use fireball, and I win. I don’t think that there is anything random happening, but if there is, can you let us know.

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The coordinates of units, heroes and items are not mirrored, that’s the issue. Hopefully this will be fixed.


Yes, thanks peter. I just went over my six losses, spectated, then actually battled them. I won against them all, and all of the “losses” were when I was on the blue side. So, it is without a doubt a mirroring problem.


Hello @Venneth may i suggest something?
In the ladder, robobombs, towers, and soldiers (the first 2 especially) are ruling the meta and the weaker towers like the golem, and turret have close to no usage. may i suggest a buff on both? for the golem, id say a 10% attack buff should be fine and for turret, make it have more range (10-20% extra) and a damage increase (7-10% should be fine) this would balance them out. i dont like bad game balance as in collosus (holy im old how do i remember this) hyperion (the senick titan) ruled the meta and the gordon one sucked. i dont like seeing people use all of the same units so id like to see some variety


Ya, I think some change for other things should be good. It is really annoying that some guys just take the basic unit and spam it at the end.

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Another error I have noticed is this. When I get into a match with buddeycc or kk, I lost to kk and won to buddycc. The problem is that in both matches, none of our units, blue or red, made it to the opponent to do damage. I ended with negative 1 health and beat buddeycc who had 0, and kk beat me with negative one health and I had 0. The fire that takes place towards the end killed me off in the match against kk faster, and opposite in the match with buddeycc. @Venneth, are you going to have tie games because these games should be ties.

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Does anyone know how to use hero.chooseItem correctly?

I think cutting the costs of the units might help. Also, who has more mana and energy combined could be a good tiebreaker.

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