huh, i mean i never use it, only funky thing is the dual riptide thingy
You can dual wield a trident and ender pearls in java and you can go VERY far (Like 200-300 blocks? Maybe more?)
250 watch simply sarcs end void jum vid
it’s very cool and funny.
i prefer both but if you wana a good minecraft game just like it valhiem
There’s suddenly a bunch of minecraft topics. Am I missing something?
yea the 2b2t topic and Phoenix SC/Cursed MC Topic
Only like 3 topics the og from @CocoCharlie the others are from @Ashmit_Singh.
Idk why there are so many topic about minecraft now, but regardless, we do not want to get off-topic. I am writing on Okars biography right now, so I will not be online for a lot of the time now. I might release it today
Gets off topic XD
I don’t know why but this just hit my tickle bone.
IM just saying, stay on topic XD. Keep this topic on-topic and alive while im gone for like maybe an hour okay @098765432123?
Ok that will not be hard cause it seems not many people are online right now.
Thanks man. Here is at least one reason why i think bedrock is better:
- There is way more knowledge about bedrock tutorials out there than there is for java. Like you can build so many more machines in bedrock than you can in Java
In java you can try out updates way before they come out. That’s fun. AND, you can go onto any update that has ever come out.
I agree, that’s pretty cool. IN bedrock, you can go to the update before the latest one
Wait you can?! How?!
Yeah, I didn’t know that.
Java’s next snapshot is delayed so bedrock gets on par. However, by that time bedrock will be ahead because of GOATS
the ultimate battle
bedrock is the awesome 300 blocks ice mountains, while java is still on those caves. so below par. (get the bad pun?)