Beta Test "Pawn's Passage"

Hello everyone, the regular arena for season 13 of AILeague, Pawn’s Passage is now up for beta test!

Play pawn’s passage here
Like previous similar beta tests goes, everything ( features, API, balance) might be changed, bugs might be here and there, ladder might be reset (save your code locally if you want to), and code might not work suddenly.

Feel free to post suggestions here, and the bugs you found along the way


i couldn’t get units’ x y speed attackDamage attackRange attackCooldown row.
and i want to use hero.wait.

Also, is protected on blue

umm hey this is random but there’s a bug that took away my programmaticon 2 as a mod do you think you can give it back to me my user is WAFFLEKID

I’ve tried this level and no bugs

This is really cool because it is very similar to chess.

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Gee I wonder why… Maybe cuz it’s called PAWNs passage? (I may do this one looks fun)

Should be fixed, thanks!
hero.wait will be added soon

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Can’t wait for some strat where you wait for 2.74926493 seconds before starting to get optimal things found by @Unholy_Maker


What the?(((((((((((((