The new arena “Magma Mountain” is in action, so please report any bugs that you find or if you have some feedback here. If you want to ask for advice on how to code something, then please use another topic. Offtopic will be deleted.
In some matches (like this one) there is something strange with the “snake”. Also, there is something strange with the nicknames.
Oh, wow! It’s really weird. They have a standard code. Thanks! Going to research.
I’m really sorry but this arena is very raw and lets count it as a beta
Another bug (or is it the problem in the code?). findItems() doesn’t seem to be working.
|Vishnu's Cyril| (Items:, [green-item, red-item, blue-item, Energy Orb Green, Energy Orb Green 1])
|Vishnu's Cyril| (Position of the item, green-item, :, X:, , Y:, )
|Vishnu's Cyril| (Position of the item, red-item, :, X:, , Y:, )
|Vishnu's Cyril| (Position of the item, blue-item, :, X:, , Y:, )
|Vishnu's Cyril| (Position of the item, Energy Orb Green, :, X:, , Y:, )
|Vishnu's Cyril| (Position of the item, Energy Orb Green 1, :, X:, , Y:, )
The code:
while True:
items = hero.findItems()
for i in range(len(items)):
print("Position of the item",items[i],":", "X:",items[i].X,"Y:",items[i].Y)
I think the problem is because when there is no movement then the avatars moves without stop and the code execution is stopped. Otherwise your code cause the infinite loop
Should be fixed. Wondering why it doesn’t cause “Infinite loop”
should be fixed. Please, give a link with a report, it can saves me some time.
if you do moveUp or moveDown (every move command) the number doesnt matter, it just goes infinitly in that direction
How can I reproduce this? Could you give code or a link where I can see it? I can’t reproduce your problem.
do hero.moveRight(1) without while true
also, why is hero.pos or hero.x/hero.y not included?
whenever i use hero.x or hero.y, it bugs out and says protected property
When there are no more actions then the avatar continues to move in the last direction.
Added them, 20chars…
oh ok thanks
could you also add item.x and item.y? i feel like its a bug or a intended feature idk