Blazing battle topic

it’s a template i made for him to use.

you know, now I’d just use your own code and see how the pros do it. like, study me building stuff and try and figure out my code. Also, blazing battle isn’t fully out yet, @PeterPalov.

Yeah, I know it isn’t fully released, but @ZAX155 maybe you just do this a pm with people who you trust? Anyway, I know, it’s your choice.

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and if you build a guard on a tower, it will cancel the tower out.

If you build a guard, and then build any unit on it, it will be still alive.

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Yes but the guard stays which is why you do a loop that adds a guard then changes it back to ranged tower.

but if you build a guard on an other unit, the unit will die.

okay thanks for all of the help guys i will use some of the tips okay

okay you could have just messaged me for me to help you since you helped me lol. This topic has gotten crazy.

Not in while true build guards, then on their pos build a unit.

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Not in while true loop??

I’m still in first!

Oh i can fix that lol

oh no you can’t! Your Matches - 84 Wins, 1 Losses

if only i didn’t tie with you every single time

what is your account

That’s about guards. About others you can build in while true, “on” guards.

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@Dragonlouis every time I try to battle you time runs out that is what happens in most matches I do lol

There needs to be some kind of sudden death…

No, that’s not on topic though.

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