Im very new to codecombat and programming in general. Im at behavior driven development stage and I think I have done what the tutorial wants me in regards to making all the characters behave as they want and I defeated the ogres and skeletons but I can’t finish the level for some reason.
It says that archers should defend as the only thing thats checked, I get an error with added or removed friends or enemies even though I have not removed or added anything. The rest is just unchecked.
I also tried to reset the code several times, it did not help.
I may have fixed this, but there may also be a second issue preventing success. Please clear your browser cache and try again - let me know if there are still problems.
I tried clearing my browser history and resetting my code. I still can’t complete the stage but all my objectives has been marked except winning the game which they did not before.
So something has happened by clearing the browser history.
Thanks. I’m seeing the same behavior as ct29 is now. I, too am now getting all of the objectives completed except “Win the game”.This was happening both before and after I cleared the browser cache.
@Mary_Maurer do you have the same problem as the people in this topic? If so, please post your code and screenshots of the level, along with more detail about the problem. @Dragonlouis, don’t you think it would be ok to revive this topic if you had the same issue? They might not, but you should check.