“Desert Duel” Bugs and Feedback

Do it twice and it should work, if it doesn’t, then it’s an internal code problem

ok i did it twice(20chars)

Did it work? (20 million)


Yep, internal code error, @Bryukh?

Try clearing your cache or playing on https://direct.codecombat.com/play/ladder/desert-duel to avoid caching–that’ll get you the latest version sooner, which may have fixed bugs. If you still see the error, then open the JS console when you see this and look for any ruinous error messages.

I don’t even have ‘x’ in my code
Also, for some reason every time I try to load my coad it adds return to the start of it

‘x’ is used internally, so there is an error with what you pass to the function somewhere

Suggestion: add hero.findByType() to the available methods

No problem. Added this method.

What’s the method causes this error? Looks like an internal problem. Need to understand where exactly it happens.

my guess is that something internal is trying to get the x pos of an undefined unit, and for the “return” that’s what happens when you press the comment out code button

No clue I didn’t even have code when it said that

somhow dreadfull slayer grew and healed and there is way to that how is this posible

Sorry, but what? Who is “dreadful slayer”?

what does it mean by second perimeter
also when i put the hot play method it says this

hello dreadfuslayers minions grew and healed itself in the ai leugue he is one top players

Hmm, should work. Maybe its a cache issue. Try to use direct.codecombat.com.

Ok. So I think they just used “goliath” play.

Screenshot 2022-05-04 09.14.20
He didn’t get a single score…
Screenshot 2022-05-04 09.14.43
And he wins???