I’m stuck on the level Don’t Touch Them. I read through another thread but it dod not solve the problem and the thread cut off before someone really helped. Can someone please help me? There are no code errors that pop up and I hit the goals but the level does not end. Here’s the code I used:
function createGenerator(spawnType, x, y, spawnAI) {
var generator = game.spawnXY(“generator”, x, y);
generator.spawnType = spawnType;
generator.spawnAI = spawnAI;
// Scouts are aggressive and munchkins are just walking.
createGenerator(“scout”, 12, 12, “AttacksNearest”);
createGenerator(“scout”, 68, 56, “AttacksNearest”);
createGenerator(“munchkin”, 12, 56, “Scampers”);
createGenerator(“munchkin”, 68, 12, “Scampers”);
var player = game.spawnPlayerXY(“duelist”, 40, 34);
player.maxHealth = 1000;
player.attackDamage = 20;
player.maxSpeed = 20;
// These are our goals. Notice we save them in variables!
var spawnMunchkinsGoal = game.addManualGoal(“Let 6 munchkins spawn.”);
var dontTouchGoal = game.addManualGoal(“Don’t attack munchkins.”);
var defeatScoutsGoal = game.addManualGoal(“Defeat 6 scouts.”);
// game properties used to count new and defeated ogres.
game.spawnedMunchkins = 0;
game.defeatedScouts = 0;
game.successGoal = 0;
ui.track(game, “spawnedMunchkins”);
ui.track(game, “defeatedScouts”);
function onSpawn(event) {
game.spawnedMunchkins += 1;
function onDefeat(event) {
var unit = event.target;
if (unit.type == “scout”) {
game.defeatedScouts += 1;
if (unit.type == “munchkin”) {
// dontTouchGoal is failed if a munchkin is defeated.
game.setGoalState(dontTouchGoal, false);
function checkGoals() {
// If game.defeatedScouts is greater than 5:
if (game.defeatedScouts > 5) {
// Set defeatScoutsGoal state as successful…
game.setGoalState(defeatScoutsGoal, true);
// If game.spawnedMunchkins is greater than 5:
if (game.spawnMunchkins > 5) {
// Set spawnMunchkinsGoal state as successful…
game.setGoalState(spawnMunchkinsGoal, True);
// If both other goals are completed.
if (spawnMunchkinsGoal.success) {
if (defeatScoutsGoal.success) {
// Set dontTouchGoal state as successful…
game.setGoalState(dontTouchGoal, true);
game.setActionFor(“munchkin”, “spawn”, onSpawn);
game.setActionFor(“munchkin”, “defeat”, onDefeat);
game.setActionFor(“scout”, “defeat”, onDefeat);
while (true) {