// Use manual goals to specify which ogres to defeat.
function createGenerator(spawnType, x, y, spawnAI) {
var generator = game.spawnXY("generator", x, y);
generator.spawnType = spawnType;
generator.spawnAI = spawnAI;
// Scouts are aggressive and munchkins are just walking.
createGenerator("scout", 12, 12, "AttacksNearest");
createGenerator("scout", 68, 56, "AttacksNearest");
createGenerator("munchkin", 12, 56, "Scampers");
createGenerator("munchkin", 68, 12, "Scampers");
var player = game.spawnPlayerXY("duelist", 40, 34);
player.maxHealth = 1000;
player.attackDamage = 20;
player.maxSpeed = 20;
// These are our goals. Notice we save them in variables!
var spawnMunchkinsGoal = game.addManualGoal("Let 6 munchkins spawn.");
var dontTouchGoal = game.addManualGoal("Don't attack munchkins.");
var defeatScoutsGoal = game.addManualGoal("Defeat 6 scouts.");
// game properties used to count new and defeated ogres.
game.spawnedMunchkins = 0;
game.defeatedScouts = 0;
ui.track(game, "spawnedMunchkins");
ui.track(game, "defeatedScouts");
function onSpawn(event) {
game.spawnedMunchkins += 1;
function onDefeat(event) {
var unit = event.target;
if (unit.type == "scout") {
game.defeatedScouts += 1;
if (unit.type == "munchkin") {
// dontTouchGoal is failed if a munchkin is defeated.
game.setGoalState(dontTouchGoal, false);
function checkGoals() {
// If game.defeatedScouts is greater than 5:
if(game.defeatedScouts > 5){
// Set defeatScoutsGoal state as successful..
game.setGoalState(game.defeatScouts, true);
// If game.spawnedMunchkins is greater than 5:
if(game.spawnedMunchkins > 5){
// Set spawnMunchkinsGoal state as successful..
game.setGoalState(game.spawnMunchkinsGoal, true);
// If both other goals are completed.
if (spawnMunchkinsGoal.success) {
if (defeatScoutsGoal.success) {
// Set dontTouchGoal state as successful..
game.setGoalState(dontTouchGoal, true);
game.setActionFor("munchkin", "spawn", onSpawn);
game.setActionFor("munchkin", "defeat", onDefeat);
game.setActionFor("scout", "defeat", onDefeat);
while (true) {
I don’t know what I am doing wrong and could use any help I can get. And yes I have tried to capitalize and lower cases the true statements.