How to get more gems?

I’ve finished almost all the levels in codecombat(except a few glacier ones) so,
I want to know how to get more gems.
(btw if i wait a year will i get a bonus of 42k gems?)

you can get gems from brawls, achievements (not a lit though), simulating games (pretty slow), levels in classes, the game and web development sections, and subscription.
If you have the yearly subscription I think you earn 42k gems at the start of each year you buy but I don’t know for sure. You’d have to ask the moderators


Mods have confirmed this:

With the Annual subscription, you get more gems every cycle.


Ok thx, also, i checked the scores for backwoods treasure and i found out that the highest score was 206 or something is that like a bug or something else?

yeah there’s a couple bugs that allow you do do stuff like that