Is it possible to keep earning gems or xp after you’ve finished every level of codecombat?
yes it is, just play replayable brawls or sieges or treasures or stuff. My cousin does not have a account on here, but got to backwoods brawl 11 or something. im only on 5 by the dungeon forest and desert.
also i do a challenge where i need to buy everything possible for warriors, since im not a subscriber yet
although i am very far away from beating it
You can also simulate games on multiplayer arenas to gain some gems. I’ve simulated 100,000 games and got 1,800 gems which isn’t bad.
what exactly does “simulated” mean @Deadpool198?
You use your computer CPU to ‘play out’ matches between either you and an opponenent, or sometimes two different opponents. The reason you get rewarded is because it means you’re taking a load of CoCo servers. The whole multiplayer setup relies on people simulating games, otherwise no-one would ever get any points.
Do you get that a bit better now?
yes, thanks a lot! 20chars
ur welcome! (20chars)