I can't run the codecombat on my mac

Hi I’m a student who will join in GSOC 2014.
I’m trying to run codecombat on my Mac, and I followed all guides from https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Developer-environment

Everything is working on(mongodb, brunch and coco-dev-server), but when I try to connect "http://localhost:3000, my chrome browser console displays those bugs:

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined transition.js:56
Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined CocoModel.coffee:3
Uncaught ReferenceError: Backbone is not defined

I know it’s a very basic question and I included jquery, underscore and backbone.js, but it displayed other javascript errors.
Can I ask what’s wrong?

my mac: OS X 10.9.1
chrome : Version 33.0.1750.149

Thank you


Did you install bower and run bower install once?


I just before found https://github.com/bower/bower and tried to 'bowel install ', then everything becomes fine.
Anyway thank you for your reply adi2412. ( But in the development guide, there’s nothing mentioned about ‘bowel install’. why? )

It is mentioned in the Do-it-yourself way. I haven’t tried the automatic setup method given, so I’m not sure if it installs bower dependencies or not. Which method did you follow?


I followed automatic setup method for mac