Im leaving CC soon

Hello guys, in about 2 weeks i will have finished codecombat in all the main languages and will be leave CC, so just wanted to say goodbye to u guys :smiling_face_with_tear:


Byeeeee!!! Thank you for the help you gave others using your coding experience, and good job completing the game!! Good luck with the rest of your life!!


thank you enpointe :slight_smile:


Same in about two weeks imma have to leave to. need to focus on school. i will come back next year in summer tho.

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Good bye man salute thank you for trying to help with the bug

no prob gl with the rest of your career in coding all u guys!!!

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also I might actually come back
i have school in about a week so im not going to finish CC very quickly

sooooo I will prob stay for like month or two :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


Hi, Iā€™m back for a little bit. I should go now tho. I spent a long time catching up. lol


Hello! just popped back in to read all the new posts! :grinning:

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Have fun reading all of the topic for religion posts lol

Yeah, those are sus.