Its been a while

sorry people its been a long time. I’ve been doing a work frequently but i’ll try my best to post . I hope everyone is safe.

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we are glad to have you back @Mikeninja102!

same im sorry for any problems i’ve cause 098765432123

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by the i’ve been thinking is your user name your phone number

what! no I’m gonna be honest i have no phone it’s just my CoCo username.

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join my clan so we can play some multiplayer games

by the way your my inspiration because i want to work for mojang to

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maybe put that in the clan topic???

:open_mouth: wait really! i am inspiring you! (wow i thought i would not be an inspiration ever in my life) thanks @Mikeninja102!


i know people think there not popular but u are


that means a lot to me thanks @Mikeninja102.

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