Hello, I’m having trouble starting this level, ever since the update yesterday running into multiple problems it seems. This level just seems to get stuck at loading, the loading bars fills all the way up, but the “Start Level” button never appears. Any advice?
Please open your JavaScript-Console and post it contents when something like this happens again.
Especially look for OutOfMemory-Exceptions.
You can open the console with Ctrl-Shift-J (Firefox/Chrome). Depending on the error-Message, we can provide you with additional help.
Alright this is the code I’m getting:
fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555
"|Koyash’s Ray| Hero Placeholder had new Programmable problem: plan Hard execution limit of 1000000 exceeded. 1.1333333333333333" play:5
"|Koyash’s Ray| Loaded 19 of 210 (+15366ms)" play:5
"SuperModel for Level loaded in" 17933 “ms” play:149
"|Koyash’s Ray| World delivery error: out of memory
undefined" play:5
"|Koyash’s Ray| And it was so: (77.976ms per frame, 210 frames)
Simulation : 16375ms
Serialization: 21ms
Delivery : 3644ms"
fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555
"|Koyash’s Ray| Hero Placeholder had new Programmable problem: plan Hard execution limit of 1000000 exceeded. 1.1333333333333333" play:5
"|Koyash’s Ray| Loaded 19 of 210 (+15366ms)" play:5
"SuperModel for Level loaded in" 17933 “ms” play:149
"|Koyash’s Ray| World delivery error: out of memory
undefined" play:5
"|Koyash’s Ray| And it was so: (77.976ms per frame, 210 frames)
Simulation : 16375ms
Serialization: 21ms
Delivery : 3644ms" play:5
"THREE.WebGLRenderer" “70” play:886
"adding kind" “level-forest-premium” app.js:413
"adding kind" “level-forest-gate” app.js:413
"adding kind" “level-forest-premium”
There are two interesting errors in these reports, of which the second might be caused by the first one.
Interesting are
“|Koyash’s Ray| Hero Placeholder had new Programmable problem: plan Hard
execution limit of 1000000 exceeded. 1.1333333333333333” play:5
"|Koyash’s Ray| World delivery error: out of memory
It seems to me that the code currently in the plan-method (the method you put your code in) runs infinitly (that is more than 1000000 instructions). As I assume you don’t have programmed anything, there seems to be a bug with the default code (Please correct me if I assume wrong).
Which language do you use? Python, JS, CoffeeScript, Io or Clojure?
Have you tried another one?
If not, please do and tell the results.