Moonless Night is OP

CodeCombat released a new ring called moonless night, costing 6700 gems

In my opinion, it’s OVERPOWERED, just look at the video

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This new ring can absolutely obliterate other wizards. It’s damage is based on your backstab weapon.
You can just rip through their swarm of allies. anything can be taken in 1 shot (burls, yetis, paladins, brawlers, chieftains), even the strongest units (except for robot walkers and thoktars).

The thing that is the most OP is that even if you fail your backstab shot, you can still blink-stab them with this ring.

I guess rangers received an epic buff in 2024.

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i’ve been testing with this item even before it came out
and i can confirm that ritic is BUSTED with moonless night
you can clear usara swarms, nalfar’s skeletons, etc
its basically a mini backstab
(there’s legit a way to use it to kill ritic (max hp ritic) in like 4 seconds using it)

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when the best class gets buffed to the moon

Woah this is a little unintended…Could you share your equipment & code? In theory the design was to basically deal small damage at the start and then build back up to the backstab weapon’s max damage, but from that clip it appears to be dealing more than it should.

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