So i reset... having trouble

so i reset codecombat so i could learn javascript a bit better, problem is what hero should i get?
(i have 43000 gems)

Hmmm try getting okar and speed ring at the start

nah, went with ritic :slight_smile:


Then maybe just save up for gift of the trees

The Precious is also a really powerful investment.

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Just wondering, can you reset and still be able to play the entire campaign? I feel like someone asked this a looong time ago, but idk the answer.

Get Omarn, Senick, Nalfar, Illia and then, if you have gems, Usara.

no need if u have nalfar…

again. so need if u have nalfar rly…

Omarn is like a fast hero who has heal and can give more damage to his units. Really useful actually. When you need a fast hero, you don’t get Pender but get Omarn, his brew speed + haste is awesome.
Usara is always good no matter where used.

I mean, Nalfar gets strong only after some time and in some levels you may not have the needed amount of time (you can get killed fast).

hmmmmm idk lol
20 zardssss

Great decision, he is one of the best heroes out there

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Tharin, of course)

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam (instead of twenty chars and in some way in proclaim…)


I recommend you just to get the default gear/heros, and have absoulutely no extra gear, no exclusive heroes if you want to learn the max out of the levels. I agree with @Alexbrand

alright… POLL TIME

what type?
  • warrior
  • wizard
  • ranger
  • 2 types (say what. ex: warrior and ranger)
  • all 3

0 voters

Free warriors, go for that. As you are learning javascript, using the default gear and help you learn throughout the levels instead of going through with the gear advantage would be a good option. Unless you are going for multiplayers ofc.


once u vote ur type… what hero should i use of that type???



Well, you have ritic so you can get Usara, Illia and Nalfar.
And get all the best gear for these.
However, as people said above, if you want to learn JS you can go with starter heroes.

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