Moving to a new forum

Hey discourse! As I’m sure you remember, this forum is meant specifically for coding. The past couple of years, however, off-topic threads have been much more used than coding threads. In the end, the discourse has lost its original meaning.

Some of us have realized this and we’ve taken action! Many of you may know the group Pms we use to talk about life without restrictions. For those of you unfamiliar with this, we called the pms Enkya. Enkya is a mix of chatting with a splash of roleplay. So here’s what we’ve done: the leaders of Enkya have created a forum that is similar to the discourse but created in the fashion of Enkya.

We would deeply appreciate it if those who enjoy talking in the off-topic threads would travel over to our new forum. This way, the discourse can return to its original purpose, and Enkya can grow even larger. Join through the link below and we hope to see you there!

Looking towards the future,
Thump, Anonym, and others.


Cool, but,

  1. No advertisement in discourse. It is the rules.
  2. We already have a CoCo Discord for all those off-topic stuff.
  3. Having a lot of off-topic threads is certainly not a problem, and no, the discourse did not lost its original meaning. Maybe stop advertising and this place will be cleaner?

We have negotiated this topic with Chaboi before posting and he has approved of this idea. Not that many people can or like to use Discord. And having a lot of off topic threads is, in fact, a problem of sorts.


Is having a lot of off-topic against the rules and causing a problem? No
Is advertising in a discourse meant for learning a problem? Yes

And honestly if you really want to pull your thing off. Putting it here is not a good idea (not a lot of users)

Brother, are you a mod and have a right to say what’s for or against the rules? No.
Is @Chaboi_3000 who, once again, we asked for permission before posting from, a mod? Yes.

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This is definitely not a Regular behavior. Being mad at me because I was following the rules?

What does it say here? I think I see “advertisement”

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I am not being mad at you. I am responding to you in the same tone you are responding to me. And I am providing actual basis for my argumentation, which you appear to ignore completely.

And also, you were the one who is saying that making too many off-topic threads is causing this place to fall.

Maybe not creating this “junk” or “advertising” thread would help making this “learning environment” cleaner.

Hmm, but it was rules said by a moderator though.
Advertising is probably worse than casual chatting.

The very purpose of this topic is to reduce said number of off topics by migrating non-Codecombat users to a new platform, as I, once again, have already said.

So you are achieving this by creating another off-topic thread?

And also almost all of the users in this forum played CoCo, non CoCo players won’t even know there is a place like this.

It was approved by the same moderator who had posted the rules. If you don’t believe me, that’s an issue of yours. You can go ahead and flga or report this if you are so concerned about this topic, and you shall see that this is completely legal.

Brother, we have 4 years of experience on this forum, you have only 2. We know the difference between CoCo and non-CoCo users, they are completely different in behaviour. Topics like Nitro Type used to attract a large number of users who were interested in said specific topics, not CodeCombat. And there is still a large number of them.
As to the way of solving it - this is our way, you don’t like it - you can go for your own.

Oh my, now we are talking about years spent on the forum represents experience and knowledge…

Also, the users chatting in Nitro Type were CoCo players.

The thing you need to get your head around is that, the only way to get to this discourse is through online by searching “CodeCombat Discourse” or by using that portal in the game. Without knowing CoCo you would not know this discourse.

Mind you, I am not talking about general experience and knowledge. I am talking about experience with this specific forum, and how it used to be vs how it is now. I am not even going to argue with you anymore, once again, nobody is forcing you to watch this topic or join us.

coming from somone whoes somwhat biased against anonym watamelon you need to get in line the more you talk the bigger hole you dig for yourself


If you want to promote your jiggy-jaggy personal webpage, maybe post that on google ads rather than posting it here in a learning environment that probably won’t gain a lot of attraction and posing the risk of breaking the discourse rules.

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bro like… honestly idk what to say to you it doesnt apear youve like read anything anonym said like at all you just keep reading a scrip like some bot

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I would be liking your post if you were to say it in another platform rather then in this learning and friendly discourse platform

:skull: bro tell me what anonym has said pls doesnt need to be in depth but a summary