New here, Looking for any tips and advice

Hi all,

I just bought the lifetime membership, because I’ve come up with an idea about a game I want to see realized. Figured “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself” and here I am. Ready to learn.

Any tips and advice on how to make the most of my learning experience here?

Also, any other resources and tools you guys would recommend to further enhance my learning experience?


Hi @Tox_Gaming. Welcome to the discourse :partying_face:!
You can ask for any help with any of the levels, I have completed every red level from Kithgaurd Dungeon to the first ten levels of Cloudrip Mountain, so feel free to ask for anything!


did you have anything you would like to ask us now?


My main concern is learning how to keep my coding clean from the get go. So any tips and hints for combining codes or reducing the amount of lines required
So for instance, I know I can do something like hero.moveUp(2) if I wanted him to move up multiple times before the next action… but other than inside of a while_true loop, idk how to make them do other actions like hero.attack(target) multiple times, without using multiple lines.


to shorten the code to two lines you can do

while True:

Ok so the only way is within a while True loop then? I knew about that form, but i was wondering if there were other ways. Since anything after a while true won’t be executed, i figured those were the last resorts. I’m still learning though. So don’t mind my ignorance of the topic at hand.


you don’t have to make it that short do you?


Hi Tox_Gaming,

One of the most interesting things I found was that after you complete a level you have the option to ‘View Leaderboards’. This allows you to look at the code of other people who have completed the level recently. For the first levels everyone’s code is pretty similar; but later on different people come up with really different solutions. There’s been a few levels where I’ve written 100+ lines of code, and then found someone who’s solved it in 10 lines (which doesn’t make my code bad or wrong - but really nice to see how it could be more clever).

Good luck, and happy coding :smile:.



Hi and welcome)

Well, actaully, there is a way to shorten number of lines without using True loop. You use Python, am I right?
You can post the link to the last level you solve and I’ll show it. But don’t post solution, it’s against game/forum rules.

I should warn that I don’t know for sure is this trick documented in language specification and I would certainly strongly NOT recommend it for complicated levels. But as for elementary ones - why not?)

Good luck for all the way)


just so you know @Tox_Gaming the game will teach you how to use all sorts of type related to While True but they are used differently… i guess just ask if you need any help and someone who has eother completed the level or finished the levels will help you :smiley: have fun coding!


Hi @Tox_Gaming and welcome! :partying_face:

If you want to attack an enemy until it dies (and you have regular while-loops), you can say something like this.

while > 0:

This will make it so as long as the enemy’s health is above 0, you attack it.

Happy Coding! :partying_face: :partying_face:


For some reason, when I click on the Leaderboards for levels I have completed, they do not show any information. They are completely empty and void of any data.

This wasn’t in regards to any level in specific. I was just looking for early tips to help keep me on a solid path throughout my learning curve. Thank you though :slight_smile:

Now THAT is something I didn’t know! Is that used inside of a while true, or is that just its own separate entity in the coding? Will this also need to be at the end of the coding or can it be anywhere?

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While you progress through worlds, you will get books with valuable code. One of these has while loops. You might not have unlocked it yet.


Oh, I see) You’re welcome)

Some levels require certain number of code lines to get extra bonus)

As for tips - there is button “hints” on every level and for some of them there is advices on the loading screen while progress bar is running.
You can click on inlevel menu with methods and functions listed and see explanation for every single of them.
Also it’s good idea to search questions along the forum. Many useful things I picked exactly here)
And yes as @GraySkayl007 mentioned you’ll get Programmaticon vol I, II, III, IV etc. with your progress and levels to practice new features with.
Leaderbords now are a bit weird, but you can try to wait a little, from time to time it takes them a little longer to load.

Good luck for all the way)


Just make sure to take your time and focus on every detail


main tip is save your gems until you really need it like you dont have enough hp so use those gems to buy armour