he will probably enjoy it. are you back from your vacation?
Yea just got back today at 7. I was awake for the whole night cuz of the flight
nice, school starts soon so no more vacation for me
edit: or most people.
Im lucky im homeschooled
cool. anyways, who made the other fortnite map? I forgot.
Me but that one got messed up
this is a great level
Thanks! @Not_a_User
20 chars
Pls delete 20 chars @nick
anyways I have to go. But I totatly agree with that.
I got to sign off for the day, see you soon!
Ok bye @Not_a_User! See you later
Thanks. Great level. “Thoktar” is dead now. But I’m pretty sure that guy was an apprentice of the real Thoktar. Be waiting for him to appear! We’ll need more than a hero to defeat that guy.
Are you? So am I, That’s really weird there aren’t many people who are. Woooow, although I still start school soon.
School started 2 weeks back…
Maybe in america, in England it’s starting on Monday. I think the american holidays start earlier.
on monday (20 chara)