OnlineClasses and CodeCombat Premium

Hi All,

I just paid for the online classes. By my understanding it should give Premium access for my child (I took this idea from the comparison matrix on CodeCombat - Coding games to learn Python and JavaScript).
My child still sees the msg about buing CC Premium when clicks on the icon.
I’m kind of confused what to do now.
Please help :slight_smile:

Best regards,


@Venneth Could you have a look at the problem? Thks

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Hello, thank you for reporting this, I will forward this to the relevant department for further information.
In the meantime, may I ask for your child’s account username?

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Hi Venneth, Thanks for looking into this. Kids account is: kamisw10 (email: It should be my linked account.

Best regards,

Hello Michael, thank you for the responses
Have you contacted your child’s teacher for support on this matter?