Play my dev level!

I was just messing around with spawning a bunch of stuff :laughing:
Okar will stomp, so try to get the best out of it!


Nice game! Killing so many ogres and female ogres at one strike(stomp) is so fun. And the munchkins flew so high.

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Lowerd Okar’s health a bit, finished with about 350 health. Here is the link.

Hey @mercurym, (sorry for necroposting I will not do it again) but how do I make a archer become a bigger size and make the arrows shoot that rapidly?

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You can play with these settings
The scale is the size. :grin:

bigboy = game.spawnXY("archer", 5, 36)
bigboy.maxHealth = 1000
bigboy.behavior = "AttacksNearest"
bigboy.scale = 2
bigboy.attackDamage = 200
bigboy.attackRange = 99999
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